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maximum rainfall中文是什么意思

用"maximum rainfall"造句"maximum rainfall"怎么读"maximum rainfall" in a sentence


  • 最大降雨量


  • The maximum rainfall events in all prefectures in ningixa occurred in the relative warm and stable clouds , d )
  • When the rainfall reaches 1 mm , the reading from the raingauge with the maximum rainfall in each region will be summarized in the bulletin
  • And a scaling lognomial model of rainfall intensity is introduced to represent the affection of temporal scale of duration in annual maximum rainfall intensity distributions
  • Potential instability existed near 0 in the warm area and between - 10 and 0 in the cold area . the occurrence of potential instability was corresponding with maximum rainfall and maximum vapor content
    C附近,冷区位势不稳定分布在一10一ooc ,位势不稳定出现的时间与地面强降水、水汽最大累积区出现的时间一致。
  • The scaling hypotheses is applied to the relationship of annual maximum rainfall intensity and duration . the rainfall intensity - duration - frequency form is proved based on the temporal scaling property of rainfall
    由年最大平均暴雨强度随历时变化的标度性质推导出暴雨公式的形式,找到了暴雨公式的理论根基? ?暴雨在时间上分配具有自相似性的结果。
  • Heavy rainfall occurred in the warm area , and maximum rainfall lay in the windward slope where the width of raindrop size distribution was b roadened and sometimes it was bimodal spectrum . the shape of rain band in cold area was zonal , and the area of rain band was small
用"maximum rainfall"造句  
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